Our vision on organization in learning

This is what our vision looks like in the classroom:

We offer a safe, orderly and predictable learning environment to our students. The rules are simple and unambiguous and the same across classrooms. Teachers also make use of the same structures and classroom techniques throughout the school. Our pedagogic (academic) approach is integrated in our curriculum. In each classroom Pedagogical Approach cards (PAK kaarten) are displayed to create a common language amongst teachers. Throughout the school year we work on building the classroom community. All our teachers are professionals and make use of proven educational strategies. One such strategy is our common use of the instruction principles of EDI -Explicit Direct Instruction to address all students’ need for instruction, practice, and automaticity. The teacher activates the foreknowledge to build a bridge between the new subject matter and the pre-existing knowledge. After knowledge transfer from the teacher, students learn both pedagogically and didactically, on their own and in collaboration. We recognize that not all students learn at the same pace. Where a student needs more time to master the curriculum learning goals, we offer extended instruction and accompanied practice. For other students they might be challenged with an extended curriculum or deepening of the course material. By evaluating the effect of our teaching formatively (interim) and summatively (at the end) we can continuously adjust and finetune our didactical approach if needed.

As we use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in our teaching as well as in communications with parents and students, we invest in our ICT environment to ensure it is kept up to date.

We strive to keep our classrooms small with a maximum of 28 students per group. When it comes to classroom formation, we aim to have extra staff, preferably teachers, to offer classroom aid in various degrees.

As learning does not only happen at school, we believe the cooperation between the school, the student and the parents/guardians is essential to the personal growth and development of the student. In such collaboration, mutual trust, active involvement, and openness are key.


Vision on organization in learning



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